2022 FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Please read! Many of the most common questions we receive are answered here. If you don't see an answer to your question, please reach out to info@believeltd.com

1. Do I have to be Steven Spielberg or Chloé Zhao to apply? Is experience necessary?

No. Believe Limited and BioMarin are committed to creating a positive and impactful learning environment for young-adult community members (age 18 and older) who wish to better understand how the arts and artistic expression can improve their health outcomes. A general interest in film writing, film directing, film editing, or being on a set is encouraged, but experience will not be a factor in selecting participants!

2. What are the dates and location of the workshops?

Virtual writing and production preparation will take place during the months of June and July, 2022. The in-person film shoot will comprise of Believe Limited’s award-winning production team traveling to each participant’s home town, between August 15th and October 1st, 2022, to the extent that schedules allow. Participants will also have the option of self-taping utilizing a Believe production package shipped to their door. Both the virtual and in-person aspects will be scheduled in coordination with selected participants’ schedules.

3. What length and style of film will the selected filmmakers be making?

Together we will be making a hyper-creative, multi-vision, multi-format documentary film about living with a bleeding disorder! Each filmmaker’s unique style, creative choices, taste, and script writing will make a powerful, dynamic, non-fiction film pop from the screen.

4. What filmmaking skills will participants learn?

Believe team members have written, starred in, produced, directed, and edited films that have played all over the world, including short films, feature film, documentaries, and music videos. If there’s a particular filmmaking skill you would like to learn or develop, let us know! We will happily tailor certain aspects to a participant’s interest. Generally speaking, our program is structured to focus on the therapeutic value of self-expression. During the making of a film, this comes through many creative decisions throughout the process: writing, prop selection, set decoration, directing, and editing all empower creators to express themselves, to tell the story (in this case) of the challenges and victories of living with a bleeding disorder.

5. Does it cost anything?

No. BioMarin and Believe Limited are committed to keeping this program free to community members selected to participate, now and always. Travel, accommodations and food are included for each participant.

5. Do I have to have hemophilia to apply?

No! The program is designed for young adults (18 and older) with hemophilia, and for those who are carriers of hemophilia, who have von Willebrand disease, who have another rare factor deficiency, or who have a sibling living with a bleeding disorder. 

6. Do I have to live in the United States?

Yes. Breaking Through is open to community members from around the United States, 18 and older!

7. Can I participate if I’ve participated in previous Believe Limited or Breaking Through! programs?

Yes! We may take previous participation into account when selecting participants; we want to ensure we create opportunities for as many community members as possible. However, all interested community members are encouraged to apply!

8. Where will the final film be shown and seen?

Currently, we are planning a large online digital premiere for the short film, before making it available to chapters and community organizations for use at events. 

9. When do submissions and nominations close?

Submissions and nominations are now closed, as of 11:59pm PST on Saturday, May 21st.


More questions? Please email info@believeltd.com

Please check back occasionally: we will update the FAQ page as more questions come in!